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Some socialist quotes revealing their thoughts of your children:
- To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas....We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives...for charting the changes in human behavior.
Brock Chislholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry - "When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."
Adolf Hitler in a speech given on November 6, 1933, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer - I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly view their role as the proselytizers of a new faith... The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new; the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of Humanism...
The Official Journal of the American Humanist Association (1983) - Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all of these sick children well, by creating the international children of the future.
Dr. C.M. Pierce of Harvard University in a speech to teachers (1973)
"I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, there won't be any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them."
Rev. Jerry Falwell
"The crux of the "Christian rights'" attacks on public education is this: Public schools are inclusive -- they admit students of all races, all incomes, all creeds, with ability or disability -- everyone is admitted and the public schools go to great lengths to accommodate all. The "Christian right" is exclusive. They seek to exclude from education, from politics, from public life, from any position of influence and opportunity anyone who does not fit their narrow mold. Basically, if you do not agree with their narrow view of the world, they want you excluded. Public schools do not exclude anyone and the "Christian right" foams at the mouth at the thought of a diverse, inclusive population.
Schlatter Family Home Page
"The campaign to justify the reforms is based on fraud. Take the "disastrous" decline of Scholastic Aptitude Test scores. These scores did decline somewhat from 1963 to 1977. But the SAT is a voluntary test, useless as a measure of school quality
The scores began to fall when the range of young people going to college dramatically expanded. But was there a lowering of student achievement during this period? Absolutely not. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, or PSAT, is a representative exam, given each year to sample student populations across the country. PSAT scores held steady during this period in which the children of black and white working families first entered college in large numbers...
Charter schools, school vouchers, and school choice attack the idea of a public good. They undermine the power of ordinary people by replacing supportive community relationships with isolated individuals competing to get their children into the "right" schools."
Dave Stratman, Editor of New Democracy
"Finally, in many states union endorsements and contributions (cash as well as in-kind) go overwhelmingly to candidates and incumbents in the Democrat Party. This means Republican, independent, and third party officials and candidates probably receive little or no support from the teachers unions, while their opponents receive considerable assistance. Some independents and Republicans, then, may welcome educational choice as a way to reduce the political support of their opponents.”
Heartland Institute
"The furor over public funding of private religious schools has nothing to do with the education of Black children. Those who frame the debate in terms of providing African American youngsters with educational options are either lying, deluded or simply too desperate to recognize the enemy chattering in front of their faces. We are now engaged in a battle instigated by the most racist forces in the nation, funded by those same ultra-conservatives, and loudly applauded by their media mouthpieces."
The Black Commentator
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Charter schools, school vouchers, and school choice attack the idea of a public good. They undermine the power of ordinary people by replacing supportive community relationships with isolated individuals competing to get their children into the "right" schools."
Alternatives to public school are very difficult for socialists to attack since they fall into the so-called evil capitalist grouping. Most exist for the good of the child - something socialist claim in public schools but do not deliver. Public schools do not deliver - a fact, in spite of the billions of dollars they suck from the system they do not deliver what is promised to the child - not debatable - proven fact.
and third party officials and candidates probably receive little or no support from the teachers unions - another lie, just more and more lies from these socialist suckers of our resources:
"the Landmark Legal Foundation has lodged a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service, asking it to investigate the National Education Association, a union despite its name, for engaging in undisclosed political activities and funding. The complaint alleges the NEA has used tax-exempt general revenue to fund political activities and has not reported those expenditures to the IRS for nearly a decade. Labor unions are required to file a Form 990 tax return about such matters. This teacher’s union has spent millions on political activities despite telling everyone that its primary concern is the children passing through the system." - From any one of thousands of internet sources, just google any major school union and look for "contributions".
As posted earlier this week I mentioned once case (there are MANY more) of school vochers in California, and how the teachers UNION spent $8.9 MILLION dollars to defeat it. Please don't try to tell people that all this money goes to the children - DUH!
Thank you skarr - and I agree with you. Some people wrongly confuse private schools with religion, when in fact this has nothing to do with the issue. One powerful tool that socialist try to use on people is guilt, and they will often use religion. The scam goes like this - blame something (they are against) on the fault of religious "extremists", make people feel guilty as if religion is the problem, then people will feel so guilty they will cave in and give up on whatever it is the socialist is trying to defeat.
There are many private schools that have absolutely no association with religion. NONE of my posts this past week have anything to do with religion, nor does my site promote any religion - yet if you check the comments made by self-professing socialists you will see they try the old guilty-because-of-religion scam. Doesn't work here!
Socialism is more than just a means - it is an end - an end to choices, and end to freedom, an end to striving to be better, an end to all that is good. They preach that the good is when everyone is just a clog in the system, their system. You are nobody - you are worthless - you are no better than your neighbors so don't try to work harder because we (the socialist) will not reward you in anyway for your added efforts.
As our nation becomes more infected with socialism people will be forced to shop at union stores and pay union prices, be forced to go only to union schools (public schools) and be indoctrinated with socialist ideals by socialist "professors", eventually - as in the case of the pre-fall of the USSR - no religion, whatever you might want to believe in. This is socialism and it is real. Don't believe me? Check any socialist website and see what their goals are and you will see they are both a way and an end with their goals marking the end - the end of freedom.
I think children should be taught to think for themselves and question everything and be fiercely independent, to resist any kind of indoctrination.
Right on!! A child is more likely to be taught this in a PUBLIC school. Why? Because they are exposed to a multitude of opinions. While Justadog makes it appear that only "socialists" teach in public schools, it ain't true. Public schools have teachers from all different perspectives.
Many private schools have one political perspective only and teach one perspective only. It doesn't matter if it's a conservative or liberal perspective either.
And I do want to tip my hat to Justadog. While I disagree with almost everything she writes, unlike a lot of conservative blogs, she ALLOWS comments, even comments from radical leftists like me. This allows readers to see more than one perspective and each can think make up his/her own mind.
in spite of the billions of dollars they suck from the system they do not deliver what is promised to the child - not debatable - proven fact.
In this day and age, there is rarely such a thing as a PROVEN fact. Each side employs their own statisticians and researchers. Each or any side can usually muster empirical data to buttress their preconceived point of view.
Look at most any murder case. The prosecutor brings in a psychiatrist who says the defendant was legally sane during the commission of the crime. The defense lawyer then produces a psychiatrist who testifies the defendant was NOT legally sane during the commission of the crime. Both sides supply data, charts, diagrams and quote "authorities".
That said, Justadog doesn't even attempt to offer any substantiation to her statement.
One powerful tool that socialist try to use on people is guilt,
Actually, "guilt" is the provence of Christianity. While I'm certain there are Christians Socialists, most socialists I know wouldn't define themselves that way. Consequently, for most of us, guilt is not a concept we use.
As a Taoist, I don't believe in the concept of sin. Since guilt comes from feeling sorry for a sin, I don't believe in guilt.
There are many private schools that have absolutely no association with religion.
Name some.
Socialism is more than just a means - it is an end - an end to choices, and end to freedom, an end to striving to be better, an end to all that is good. They preach that the good is when everyone is just a clog in the system, their system. You are nobody - you are worthless - you are no better than your neighbors so don't try to work harder because we (the socialist) will not reward you in anyway for your added efforts.
Of course, YOU would understand it this way because you're such a negative person. I understand it in a completely opposite manner. EVERY PERSON HAS WORTH. EVERY PERSON HAS VALUE. EVERY PERSON IS IMPORTANT. EVERY PERSON MATTERS.
If every person feels they are valued by their society, they work harder. They work harder NOT because they want personal wealth, fame, power or status, but, because to do otherwise, they will let down their team.
The San Antonio Spurs won the NBA Championship last night. Their team exemplifies this concept. Yes, they have a star player, Tim Duncan, but Duncan himself said that every member of the TEAM was responsible for their championship season. They all worked their butts off because none of the players wanted to let their teammates down.
in your world trey each member of the spurs would get paid the same, then in reality they would have lost because there would be no incentive for any team member to do better - no reward - why bother?
In the world of sports the better players get paid more - so the compensation is merit-based, something that the socialist would be totally against.
sorry mr. trey, you're argument is hollow, as hollow as the promises socialism has been making for so many years.
in your world trey each member of the spurs would get paid the same, then in reality they would have lost because there would be no incentive for any team member to do better - no reward - why bother?
You must not know much about sports. The money each player earns from the play-offs, including the championship series, is the same.
Besides, lots of you keep quoting/referring to Marx/socialism and yet you seem to forget one of his most endearing statements, "From each according to his ability, from each according to his need". You see, Marx NEVER said everybody should be paid the same wage OR that everybody had the same needs. He recognized that a brain surgeon and a hotel butler don't perform the same tasks and, therefore, shouldn't be paid the same.
I must say though, I feel sorry for a lot of you. You are indicating that the only reason you put out maximum effort for anything is to earn rewards. You aren't interested in doing [what you feel] is right UNLESS somebody pays you more money or bestows on you more status. Whatever happened to the idea of doing the right thing simply because it's the right thing to do?
That's the way I try to live my life.
Well then I guess you better not lock the door to your house / apt. so that you may share your comforts with all those street people you sometimes give a buck to. Why stop there - are you not doing what is "right" - a very subjective term.
Being rewarded for effort IS the right way. Those that put forth no effort would love your system of socialism. Put to this weeks topics there are teachers that just want to do only the minimum - only what is required and nothing more, and are happy to make the same salary as a better instructor in their same pay catagory that does put forth an extra effort (he probably laughs at the person). This teacher prefers the current socialistic public school system.
Then there are teachers that are driven - they do more than the minimum required. They will pay for additional courses out of their own pocket to become better, learn new methods, etc. The current public school does have their pre-approved teacher classes (that don't conflict with the socialist agenda) but everyone takes them. I'm talking about more - more than the system says to. These teachers actually instruct, their tests are more comprehensive even if it means they have to spend more time grading them. These better teachers are the ones on the waiting lists to be hired at private schools. They know they put out more, they know they are better.
Yes trey - some people of the same occupation are better than other people. Just like all drivers do not drive the same - except in the mind of a socialists - they are all the same. All union (socialist) truck truck drivers of the same company do not drive with the same skill - yet in the socialist trey-world they would each get paid the same.
The socialist system has never worked. Maybe I will prove that next week - with plenty of economic facts. Oh - there is a few that do find socialism works well - the union bosses. Everyone else can kiss their freedom away for the way of socialism is our way or no way. If you wish to continue to make your point trey tell us - does socialism make a person free or does it take away their freedom? Gee - another good thread to start.
As usual, you sidestepped my main points. I pointed out that Marx/socialists have never indicated that everyone should be paid the same, yet you keep repeating this concept over and over again, like because you say it, it is true. What part of "from each according to his ability, from each according to his need" do you not understand?
You wrote, are you not doing what is "right" - a very subjective term. Did you not read that I wrote, You aren't interested in doing [what you feel] is right? By placing the words "what you feel" in brackets, I was acknowledging that this is a subjective term. Somehow, though, this point flew right over your head.
You've written a lot about lazy teachers. Do you know some? Would you identify them? It sounds to me like nebulous rhetoric. I have a lot of friends who are public school teachers. ALL of them work hard. ALL of them spend their own money to stretch their limited classroom resources. ALL of them work extra hours for no additional compensation OR a lack of recognition from people like you.
Are there lazy teachers in the world? Sure. There are also lazy doctors, lazy lawyers, lazy maids, lazy parents, lazy CEOs and lazy presidents. Since parents, doctors, lawyers, CEOs and presidents aren't represented by [socialist] unions, have do you account for THEM? If capitalism is your panacea, how is it that they exist and, sometimes, flourish under this system?
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