Tuesday, June 28, 2005

    A World Amuck

    If the military handed out Christian Bibles the ACLU would be up in arms before the Sun would set - yet, the military hands out free Korans (paid for by taxpayers) at Guantánamo Bay - given to each prisoner as part of a package of religious items, and that is ok with the ACLU - just not Christian Bibles.
    Part of the American Dream for many is to own their own home or some property. The ruling of the Supreme Court has now ruled that local governments can take away your property for the good of the community - and give it over to private or commercial entities. Socialism is now preached from the bench of the high court. Whether you own property or not you should be very concerned!
    Socialist unions continue trying to fool people how much better everyone would be if we all were in a union - a big happy family. Federal Republic of Germany (aka, Germany) has been doing this for a long time now. Are they better off? "Structural rigidities in the labor market - including strict regulations on laying off workers and the setting of wages on a national basis - have made unemployment a chronic problem" (CIA Fact book). Their unemployment this May was at 11.8% (The Economist). Their revenues have declined and their expenditures have raised and continue to do so - mostly for social causes. "Germany's aging population, combined with high unemployment, has pushed social security outlays to a level exceeding contributions from workers" (CIA Fact book).
    So the BTK serial killer calmly confesses to torturing 10 innocent people, knowing that the state he is being tried in, Kansas, will not execute him. He will not face the death penalty because the crimes were committed before Kansas had a capital punishment statute. Yes, at 60 years old he will probably go to jail for the rest of his life - and be punished with never having to go hungry, never having to worry about medical care - he is fully covered, dental care, TV (probably cable), clothing, roof over his head, and most likely more privacy and protection than other prisoners. We sure know how to treat serial killers - thanks to the pacifists and liberals in our society.


    The Rambling Taoist said...

    Part of the American Dream for many is to own their own home or some property. The ruling of the Supreme Court has now ruled that local governments can take away your property for the good of the community - and give it over to private or commercial entities. Socialism is now preached from the bench of the high court. Whether you own property or not you should be very concerned!

    I've got news for you. I'm none too pleased with this decision either. I think it stinks. (Note: You are again confusing socialism, a means, with Communism, an end. Communists are adverse to private property, while most socialists are not. You need to learn to quit confusing your nouns. It doesn't help your credibility if can't keep simple concepts straight.)

    The Rambling Taoist said...

    While I don't completely agree with your definitions above, I'm not going to quibble. They are certainly close enough. Now, if only Justadog can learn the distinction between the two...

    The Rambling Taoist said...

    We sure know how to treat serial killers - thanks to the pacifists and liberals in our society.

    Why are you laying this at the feet of pacifists and liberals? No other western industrialized country has the death penalty, even staunch ally England. Is it your contention that all western democracies are run by pacifists and liberals?

    The Rambling Taoist said...

    I've noticed that this blog's host doesn't think too highly of Islam. From her perspective, American culture and mores are far superior. Yet, the US shares one thing in common with most of the nations of the world where Islam is the chief religion -- countries like Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Libya. In fact, the US shares this thing in common with the COMMUNIST countries of China & Cuba.

    Do you know what the common thread is? Why, of course, it's the death penalty. Seems like we're in rather strange company.

    Compare this to some of the countries that have abolished the death penalty: all of Europe, Canada, Australia, South Africa and even Colombia.

    JustaDog said...

    I've noticed that this blog's host doesn't think too highly of Islam. From her perspective, American culture and mores are far superior. - I guess if I don't say these things trey feels obligated to say them on my behalf. Sorry trey - you don't speak for me and my readers don't come to the same conclusions as you from my posts, nor do they inject the hate that you attempt to.

    Guess it's that Taoism in you - that you think it's your job to try to make bloggers you don't agree with into some kind of global enemy? I thought Taoism taught peace and harmony. You really do need to chill.

    Speaking of jobs, did you ever find a job trey? One worthly of your great assets?