Friday, July 01, 2005

    July 1 Celebrities

    The search for Natalee Holloway in Aruba is still active, despite Senator Kennedy's recent comments. Democrat Senator Kennedy, upon leaving his favorite Washington D.C. all-you-can-eat buffet, was asked by a CBS reporter about the search for Natalee Holloway. Senator Kennedy blubbered
    • "Well all I can say is we've seen this before from this administration when the search for WMD's in Iraq found nothing - proving they never existed. I question if Natalee Holloway ever went to Aruba. She can't be found so I'm sure she must never have existed in Aruba. It's time this administration come clean with the American people about Natalee Holloway".
    The CBS reporter was surprised how fast Senator Kennedy was able to bend over (considering his obese size), dropping a tube of something, quickly picking it up, then rushed away to an undisclosed rendezvous with an unknown illegal alien male. This was verified with an undisclosed news source.
    Sadly, an American helicopter went down in Afghanistan killing a number of honorable troops - true patriots. Would someone please inform Democrat Senator Nancy Pelosi that the war against terrorist in Afghanistan is not over, despite her menstrual proclamation she made just days ago.


    Anonymous said...

    There is the quagmire, Kennedy.
    Politics as usual.
    Man that's low, even for him that is low!!

    Anonymous said...

    The intellectual bar is quite low for the neo-moron crowd, as one might expect. Your blog seems to be entirely without substantive discussion. You of course have that right, but it reveals your ideology of hypocrisy and greed for what it is.

    Anonymous said...

    kennedy isnt any better than a jerk he semes to think certian types are above the law the us needs to put lots and lots of presure on araub to get mess cleared up i for one will never go there mad as hell in wyoming.

    Dave said...

    What did Bush know about Natalie, and when did he know it?