Tuesday, August 12, 2008

    Got Your Ticket To the Big Orgy Of 2008?

    About five days ago news of $50,000 worth of sex toys missing from the secure police property room of the Houston Police department hit the news. I had to wonder why a couple of union cops would steal so many sex toys. Then it hit me - the biggest union ooze fest was about to take place.

    In less than two weeks the Democratic National Convention will take place in Denver. A wild orgy of sex (both straight and homo and in-between), promoting a unified America via forced unionization, Bush-bashing, globalization frenzies, and all the more "Progressive" agenda you probably don't want your children exposed to.

    Many little side workshops will take place. For example, in the kinky toilet sex corner orgy goers will enjoy a series of meetings held jointly by TheNation.com and Progressive Democrats of Amerika. Notice they just aren't Democrats - they are "Progressive".

    Some of their kink along with my translation for the conservative reader:

    MONDAY AUGUST 25: HEALTHCARE NOT WARFARE - Healthcare, Aids, and Africa - JIVE for Socialized medicine and how fast Progressive take money from Americans can and give it way to third world countries.

    TUESDAY, AUGUST 26: MEDIA REFORM AND CLEAN, FAIR, TRANSPARENT ELECTIONS - JIVE for restricting equality in the media (shutting out conservatives) and open, unverified voting (allowing criminals, dead people, illegal aliens the "right" to vote).

    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27: ECONOMIC JUSTICE AND GLOBAL WARMING - Economic Justice/Ending Poverty, Global Warming - JIVE for forced government distribution of wealth - taken from whom the Fascist government desires and given to who the Fascist government chooses; How can we exploit the global warming for the goals of global socialism.

    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW & CONGRESS AND PDA ONWARD FROM DENVER - Restoring and Maintaining our Constitutional Rights - JIVE for how can we bury the US Constitution and embrace the International Constitution of Human Rights. (You didn't really think they meant restoring US Constitutional law did you?)

    These panels will be held at the Central Presbyterian "Church" - a homosexual friendly environment that caters, embraces, and promotes homosexuality as normal within the new Progressive world.

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