Friday, May 13, 2005

    Just a Start

    The passage of the REAL ID act is not a final fix for the illegal immigration problem but just a start. Individual states must comply and make sure each drivers license is only issued with the correct legal identification. Should a state bypass the requirements I would be in favor of that state being held totally liable for any damages caused by their neglect.
    For example, A 24-year-old Mexican charged with the Oregon murder of a father and the shooting of his 16-year-old son in a home-invasion robbery is an illegal alien with an Oregon driver's license who has been previously deported from the United States. So the idiots in Oregon gave this illegal alien (a felon right there) a driver's license. Oregon should be held liable for giving a license to a felon - period. I don't care about their sex, their age, their sad story - there is a legal way and an illegal way to enter the USA. If you choose the illegal way you are scum.
    States that do not comply with the REAL ID act should have ALL federal funding suspended in their state. Why not? Federal funding = our tax dollars and why should my tax dollars go back to some state that sanctions illegal aliens?
    Then I read in the Washington Times this: U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned. It was disclosed by more than a dozen agents that disclosed orders by Border Patrol supervisors at the Naco, AZ station "made it clear that arrests were "not to go up" along the 23-mile section of border that the volunteers monitored to protest illegal immigration."
    These supervisors should be terminated - fired - given their last checks. What stupidity, ignorance, and disregard for the very task they were sworn to uphold. Sometimes I wonder how close such stupidity boarders on treason when committed by federal officials.


    David said...

    "These supervisors should be terminated - fired - given their last checks.... "

    Sweetness and light... No they should not be terminated, although "fired" has a certain appeal... They should be very kindly introduced to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether, after which, being ridden out of the country (direction doesn't really matter, though I'd prefer a long "ride" off a short pier) on a rail.

    Were it done in the dead of night, naturally I'd prefer htey be given light to see their way. Say, a lit fuse to hold (close to the tar and fethers, I should hope).

    Fire them, indeed!

    kender said...

    Maddiedog....join us.....jooooiiinn uuusss...

    Check it out.