Thursday, June 09, 2005

    Thursday Triple

    In an exercise in freedom of speech a 17 year old at Corvallis High School wrote his last column of the year in the school paper about illegal aliens. The 10% Hispanic student body didn't like his column and decided to hold a couple of pro-illegal alien marches. They call their effort "brown pride" (yeah, I know what's really brown), sponsored by the MEChA chapter at OSU, also in Corvallis. MEChA is a radical pro-Mexico student group that says it is committed to "the physical liberation of Occupied America" and a separate Hispanic nation in the Southwest U.S. It's motto is "Por La Raza Todo, Fuera de La Raza Nada: for the race, everything; outside the race, nothing." They marched on a USA public school campus behind a Mexican flag.
    Ignorant Americans think these people only want to come here to pick lettuce - will people ever wake up?
    Howard Dean's big drooling mouth has been at it again. After listing the typical negative woes of the world and country he attributed it all to the GOP, "a white Christian party". Since Howard is the DNC Chairman he speaks for the Democrats, and now the Democrats view the enemy of the world as "white Christians". So I guess in the mind of the Democrat the saviors of the world would be dark Muslims?
    Is China making some sneaky moves? Chinese have been employed in highly sensitive areas of our national defense development program - especially in the nuclear weapons program. Various security violations and disk drives with top-secret information had gone missing in the past from Los Alamos - for example, Wen Ho Lee, the scientist who was accused of spying. (all during the Clinton years). Now there is an apparent China military buildup - gee, any connection? I have to wonder why sensitive development is even exposed to anyone other than US citizens.


    Anonymous said...

    Excuse me, but why isn't an organized group of aliens in our country like the MEChA classified as a terrorist group?

    Anonymous said...

    'Since Howard is the DNC Chairman he speaks for the Democrats, and now the Democrats view the enemy of the world as 'white Christians' ...

    Your own words brand you as a moron. Your logical progression is absurd. There are strong arguments, both liberal and conservative, on the issues. Your voice is not one of them.

    Sorry dude. Go back under your rock.

    JustaDog said...

    My guess is 90% of anonymous posters are ashamed of who and what they are and what they stand for - no exceptions with the previous poster. The logic is a simple "If, then, therefore" progression - look it up.

    The progression is so very correct, otherwise so many Democrats wouldn't have jumped to the microphone to distance themselves from Dean's remarks. Others in high places seem to understand this basic logic - except you!

    JustaDog said...

    LOL, well pundit I considered him a 0 (zero) in anything that mattered and I actually didn't even notice whether he is or is not. Perhaps he creeps in anonymously sometimes - do I care? Not!