Monday, May 30, 2005

    A BIG Thank You!

    A simple Thank You to all of the brave, honorable, patriotic, dutiful men and women in all of the Armed Forces that have given their life so that our country can still be the great United States of America. Whether past, present, or those that will make such sacrifice in the future this country owes you more than just one day of remembrance. We, as Americans, must maintain the same vigilance here in our own country with the same commitment as those in our Armed Forces. Unless we do, they all have died in vain.
    The ACLU hates patriotic holidays like this - too bad!


    The Rambling Taoist said...

    What does the ACLU have to do with this? Nothing!!

    It's like you can't merely say something positive without sneaking in some insult against somebody else. Why must honoring one brave group of people go hand in hand with disparaging another group?

    JustaDog said...

    The ACLU has nothing to do with Memorial Day, nor what it represents. It does have to do with my post because I said so and therefore it is - the power of blogg'n.

    All things (as you supposedly claim to know at your site) have a balance of one side or another, of good or bad (both subjective), of right or wrong (again, subjective), etc. I choose to contrast the good of the brave and honorable with a group of people that are not brave nor honorable. If you wish to label that as disparaging then whatever - just please don't disparage me for posting what I post - yield!

    The Rambling Taoist said...

    I guess it all comes down to perspective. For me, I would consider both groups -- vets AND the ACLU -- to be brave and honorable.

    It takes a certain measure of bravery and honor to stand up for things that may be unpopular to some. Please note that the ACLU has stood up for people on both the left AND the right.

    Anonymous said...

    From what I have read, the ACLU largely operates the same way as the Charter of Rights advocates in Canada. Rights for some, but no rights for others. Depends on whether or not you are a current darling of the liberal left.
    Sorry, Trey, I don't find it particularly courageous to jump on popular bandwagons.

    In the meantime, yes, bravo to the American soldiers who protect the rights and freedoms of folks like the members of the ACLU to go around openly criticizing their government and country...a luxury absent in a large portion of this world.

    JustaDog said...

    And by Trey's definition the terrorist blowing up men, women, children, and innocent people must be, are honorable too - since they meet his criteria of "it takes a certain measure of bravery and honor to stand up for things that may be unpopular to some".

    Does not the cause matter to anyone? Is it not possible the cause is evil and therefore the effort should be addressed as such and not honorable? Duh.

    Anonymous said...

    Could you articulate, in specific terms, the reason you oppose the ACLU?

    The Rambling Taoist said...

    the terrorist blowing up men, women, children, and innocent people must be, are honorable too

    Gee whiz,
    We're blowing up "men, women, children, and innocent people". So, since you describe such people as "terrorists", I guess this means the US military is filled with terrorists too?

    JustaDog said...

    Well trey IF you don't know what the difference is THEN there is no hope for you to understand the reasoning behind it all. Perhaps you'd feel more secure remaining in a blind little (unrealistic) world.

    Sorry - your logic is not.

    JustaDog said...

    To anonymous that asked Could you articulate, in specific terms, the reason you oppose the ACLU? the answer is no, you do that on your own. There are plenty of sources on the internet for you to research, so please don't be lazy and expect others to do it for you. I do make some links available on my blog that you can start at.

    Anonymous said...

    thanks to all the american military personnel who gave up their arms and/or legs and/or lives and/or integrity this year to murder iraqis and destroy their water supply.

    you can be proud about a job well done.

    JustaDog said...

    Thank you for visiting my site deb. I know it is difficult for some that have taken liberty and freedom as second nature to not understand the cost of the same. The fact that you allow yourself to explore various sites that don't agree with your current beliefs tell me you are intelligent and therefore will most likely absorb enough to someday understand the big picture.

    Anonymous said...

    Deb said: "thanks to all the american military personnel who gave up their arms and/or legs and/or lives and/or integrity this year to murder iraqis and destroy their water supply."

    And a hearty thanks to the non Iraqi paid "insurgents" who keep this war going. At the expense of Iraqi lives.

    Not just one spoon fed side to the story, Deb.


    JustaDog said...

    Well-rounded thinking simoncat, thanks!