Friday, October 21, 2005

    Lane County Taxes Supporting Illegal Aliens

    As the illegal alien population continues to grow and move north from MexiFornia into Oregon our little cities become stop-overs or even permanent homes to these felonious suckers of the social system. What makes it even more atrocious is our tax dollars going to organizations that help these criminals.

    Such is the case of Oregon's Lane County. In the local liberal rag today (Register Guard), front page of the City/Region section (link will be active after 12 noon), is an article titled Additional funds extend Centro's future. Centro is shorthand for Centro LatinoAmericano - a safe haven for illegal aliens from south of the boarder. Centro Latino Americano was founded in 1972 as Chicano Affairs by politically oriented Chicano (Mexican-American) students at the University of Oregon and Lane Community College. Now this article starts with this first sentence:
    An $18,100 donation from the Lane County government and other contributions means Centro LatinoAmerican's doors will stay open through next June, even if it has to do so on a bare-bones budget and without an executive director, agency officials said Thursday.
    While the population of Oregon as well as Lane County is already overtaxed by mis-management of our liberal local and state governments, the "Government" of Lane County just writes a check for $18,100 to an organization that helps illegal aliens - putting an additional burden on our communities. EXCUSE ME! I want the Lane County Commissioners to either take our tax money back or pay that $18,100 of OUR money back from their own pockets. HOW DARE THEY feel they have authority to give taxpayer monies to ANY organization! None of these commissioners should be re-elected!

    I checked the Centro's website. I notice their "Useful links" has all sorts of embassies and consulates south of the border - but not one mention of the US Immigration offices. Of course they will provide access to all sorts of handout programs (at taxpayer expense) and social services - even line them up with jobs! The interim directory, David Piercy, was Deputy Superintendent for the local public school system - so they have a direct connection to use/abuse the public school system with illegal alien students.

    Another part from their statement on their website:
    We have always been an advocacy group, working for social justice, and at the same time working to alleviate the painful costs of injustice.
    Just another way of stating their support, encouragement, and pursuit of helping illegal aliens - now using direct tax payer cash!

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