Monday, February 13, 2006

    Why The Register-Guard Sickens Me

    In the continuing tradition of liberal lies to the American people through its media outlets, Register-Guard reporter Jim Feehan wrote his perception of an anti-illegal alien protest yesterday. The liberal editors loved it so much it was on the front page of the City/Region section.

    Quickie background. Some anti-illegal alien protestors showed up at the High School Equivalency Program building on the University of Oregon campus to protest the presence of Mexican government representatives that were assisting illegal aliens with matricular consular cards as well as Spanish speaking representatives from several state agencies joined Mexican officials to offer information about health care, food stamps, wage and hour provisions and other state services. (an illegal use of state tax payer resources which doesn't bother our liberal Governor Ted Kulongoski)

    So how did Jim Freehan choose to report this? Well let's do a quick dissection, starting with the title of the article:
    Protesters target session for Mexican immigrants
    Note that in the article, away from the front page, he does quote the protestors as "We're not against immigrants," he said. "We're against illegal immigrants." - yet Jim's title doesn't even mention the work "illegal". Jim would rather lie and have his readers assume the protestors are racists and against legal immigration into the USA. Why do you lie to your readers Jim Feehan?

    Now, the very first paragraph:
    Anti-immigration activists rallied Saturday in Eugene to oppose providing state social services to non-citizens and to criticize the Mexican consulate for issuing identification cards to immigrants.
    Again, Jim totally leaves out the clarifier "illegal" (as well as the hyphen for "noncitizen" that I corrected him on). Again, Jim lies to the American people by calling the protestors "anti-immigration", and not the truth. The Mexican consulate has no reason to issue identification to legal immigrants - only illegal Mexicans need this card. Why do you lie to your readers Jim Feehan?

    Jim Feehan expands his lies by connecting his perceived racism with Republicans by stating in the article:
    Several of the protesters arrived from around the state in sport utility vehicles and trucks adorned with Republican candidate bumper stickers.
    Obviously Jim didn't read his own newspaper's article of Democrat congressman Peter Defazio - speaking against illegal aliens in a Feb. 8 th article titled Amnesty won't fix immigration woes (good words congressman!).

    Come on Jim Freehan, come on Register-Guard - STOP lying to the American people!

    NOTE: In the interest of invading your privacy the Register-Guard now requires your personal information to view their articles. You can sign on with the username and password of "noillegals" for each field. If it does not let you in that means they must be upset at my post!

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