Friday, June 20, 2008

    A Growing Population Of Masochists

    Gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.
    Gas continues to go higher as Democrats continue to punish those that can least afford higher prices. It's as if Democrats want to create a "gas crisis" in order to justify their real objectives - of a government-controlled petroleum industry. Government already has a death grip around oil companies with huge taxes, forcing the American companies to buy imported oil, and dictating to companies where they can and cannot harvest oil. Democrats force middle and lower income families to endure growing financial nightmares yet the masochist voter continues to vote Democrats into controlling positions.

    Then you have some states that have forced non-oil "bio-fuels" into people's vehicles. These additives come mostly from grain, which means less grain for feeding livestock and for feeding humans. Result of the Democrat's goulash controls and mandates are even more financial burdens for the middle and lower income families to endure at the grocery store, yet the masochist voter continues to vote Democrats into controlling positions.

    Then you have cities and states that are realizing lower gas tax revenues because people are filling up less, so you have some Democrat cities and states wanting to come up with even more gas taxes and various fees to keep their governmental glut social programs and illegal alien programs alive. So who pays these additional taxes and fees? You and I do. Democrats continue to force financial nightmares upon the middle and lower class yet the masochist voter continues to vote Democrats into controlling positions.

    Then you have Democrats - the liars and deceivers that they are - pretending to care about workers rights, yet they vote against the right of a worker to have a secret ballot when it comes to voting whether or not a workplace should be unionized. No surprise there - Democrats are well known as the puppets of the unions.

    Then you have slime like Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd (chairman of the Banking Committee), Democrat Senator Kent Conrad (chairman of the Budget Committee and member of the Finance Committee) along with a couple of former Democrat Cabinet members - all having received preferential treatment from Countrywide Financial. Democrat Dodd received $15,000 from Countrywide for his 2008 campaign. Democrat slime profited while middle and lower income families have to deal with growing financial nightmares, yet the masochist voter continues to vote Democrats into controlling positions.

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