Tuesday, August 05, 2008

    Understanding Barack Obama's JIVE

    First you need to understand what JIVE means. If you check the dictionary there are various meanings. The JIVE associated with Senator Obama is number 8 at Dictionary.com:
    8.Slang. insincere, pretentious, or deceptive.
    The focus is the word "deceptive". I've tried to explain this to readers in the past but last week I found an article at Investors.com that put my thoughts into something easier to understand. On that I will structure the Obama JIVE -> English explanation.

    When President-wanna-be Barack Obama uses the phrase "economic justice" this is JIVE for his promise to punish the successful and redistribute their wealth by government force. Yes class - Obama's "economic justice" is a euphemism for socialism.

    When President-wanna-be Barack Obama uses the phrase "restoring fairness to the economy" this is JIVE for his promise to soak the "rich" - a segment of society he fails to understand that includes mom-and-pop businesses filing individual tax returns. Yes class - Obama's "restoring fairness to the economy" is a euphemism for socialism.

    When President-wanna-be Barack Obama uses the phrase "investments" - "to make America more competitive" this is JIVE for "wealth transfers". Some examples of his, by his own JIVE, investments:
    • "Universal," "guaranteed" health care
    • "Free" college tuition
    • "Universal national service" (a la Havana)
    • "Universal 401(k)s" (in which the government would match contributions made by "low- and moderate-income families")
    • "Free" job training (even for criminals)
    • "Wage insurance" (to supplement dislocated union workers' old income levels)
    • "Free" child care and "universal" preschool
    • More subsidized public housing
    • A fatter earned income tax credit for "working poor"
    • And even a Global Poverty Act that amounts to a Marshall Plan for the Third World, first and foremost Africa.
    Yes class - Obama's "investments" are a euphemism for socialism. It be all JIVE. You and your children will pay for it - ALL.

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