Friday, April 13, 2007

    JustaDog - Lane County Commissioner

    Steps are in motion to recall Lane County Commissioner Bobby Green - one of three public enemy's that voted for a county income tax. Hopefully, Stewart and Dwyer will be next.

    I wondered how I would lead Lane County if I, JustaDog, were elected to replace Bobby Green. Here is a partial view of my platform:
    • No illegal aliens. Lane County will not be a sanctuary county. Any person found to be an illegal alien will be held for federal authorities. An invoice for rounding up these criminals would be presented to the federal government quarterly
    • No loitering. If a person does not have a legal verified address they will be bused to Salem on a one-way ticket
    • No panhandling. Panhandlers are conducting a business without a license. Conducting a business without a business license is illegal and the law will be enforced
    • The county is not a bank - an end to loans and grants for businesses and special interest groups
    • End of social handout programs. If the citizens of Lane County wish to help those that choose not to they are totally free to do so. Likewise, Lane County has no right to force allocation of taxpayer monies to any special interest group - no matter how "goodie goodie" they sound
    • Increase the budget for law enforcement and prisons, not decrease it
    • An end to "donating" taxpayer's money to "worthy" (special interest) groups. If people wish to support their favorite group they can do so with their own money. It's not right for County Commissioners to be generous with other people's money
    • All state mandated social programs that set up shop in Lane County will be required to provide social services only to legal residents by identification recognized by the USA
    • An end to small business grants and handouts. There are many resources that new and struggling businesses can turn to and Lane County residents should not have their precious tax dollars spent on such high-risk activities. If these business are unable to secure funds from traditional resources then it's all the more reason Lane County residents shouldn't
    • We will be an English-only county. All Lane County signs, posters, etc. will be in English only
    • Rural schools will be allowed to set up as Charter schools
    • All schools that receive funding from Lane County will have all programs that are not directly related to the classroom terminated. For example, the taxpayer funded day care at Lane County Community College would be terminated. English as a second language (ESL) classes would be terminated or those attending will be required to pay the full price to compensate the cost of the class. All students must be legal residents
    • All inmates will be billed for the full cost of their incarceration. This includes the use of the facilities, food, medical, dental, etc. If they cannot pay then they will have to work it off for the county for minimum wage - no exceptions
    • Jails would be reserved for violent offenders. It makes no sense to jail someone accused of a victimless crime. These can be given a citation, pay a fee, do community service, etc.
    • The taxpayer and legal residents of Lane County will be the priority, not any special interest group, not any union, and not a few county workers
    • Any new roads will be made from concrete, not inferior asphalt. This will save the county much money in the long term. Planned obsolesces of roads must stop
    • All construction costing over $10,000 will be put out for bid. Contractors would have to sign a "we use only legal labor" contract, be bonded, etc.
    • All expenditures over $1,000 will be detailed to the public. There will be accountability. Paying off friends and neighbors (as is the practice now) as "consultants" or things like a $5,000 for a drug addict's hypo drop off box (made by some friend of a friend) will stop
    • Any expenditure over $1,000,000 will require a vote by the citizens of Lane County
    Just a few - I better stop or I just might run for office!

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