Wednesday, April 16, 2008

    There's Safety In Tits

    A few months before Emil Matasareanu and Larry Phillips committed their infamous North Hollywood bank robbery they were imprisoned for various charges from weapons possession to false impersonation. During their stay they intentionally used the physical fitness center, pumped iron, and built up their strength in order to carry their load of assault weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and the body armor they would wear. Muscled-up thanks to a liberal prison system and tax payer's money.

    Throughout the decades the prison system has morphed itself into liberal camps of compassion, totally void of the punitive purpose they were intended for. If up to me only criminals that are violent and those that violate property (robbery, theft, etc.) would be incarcerated. All exercise equipment would be removed - donated to schools. Instead of building up frustrations, testosterone, and muscle I would have estrogen mixed with all of the prisoner's food. I would reduce the aggression of the offenders and turn their muscles into flab. They would lose their desires for violence.

    I would replace metal workshops with cross-stitch sessions. Any activity where muscle would be gained or strengthened would be banned and replaced with activities that soothe the soul - not enrage it. All tattoos would be removed as well as all body hair. Transformation from aggressive violent brutes into soft and tender would be the goal. If released they would have no desires to car-jack an innocent person or even do anyone harm. If anything, they would fill out applications for employment at a craft store or a quilt company.

    The great liberal experiment in transforming the prison system has failed. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want even more liberal concessions for felons - to restore their voting rights they forfeited and even provide increased tax payer funded education programs while in prison. Liberals continue to transform prison into something worthwhile going to instead of avoiding. Sort of takes away the threats of being a felon huh?

    Even this morning the liberal rag AlterNet published an article claiming Mail Is A Fundamental Right - in their usual activist pro-criminal defense and against a new directive in Florida that will only allow postcards and not letters.

    Fortunately, the US Supreme Court has ruled has just cleared the way for executions by lethal injection can resume. Liberal activists tried to stop the executions - as usual. Now the court will hear Texas argue death for child rapists. Personally I would love to have all child rapists executed, but alas, liberals love criminals and will take whatever actions possible to make sure they live long lives - never starving, always a roof over their heads, no taxes to worry about, free medical and dental care, fresh laundry, free gym membership, etc.

    Do you think the great liberal experiment in the prison system has been effective?

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