Monday, May 05, 2008

    Secret Backroom Agreement EXPOSED!

    Secret meetings, secret deals. Flowery talk on the surface, crooked deals and corruption behind closed doors, backroom promises in exchange for money and support, mob deals, etc. Is there no limits to what a corrupt Senator will stoop to?

    I never trusted the guy - Barack Obama. I've posted about his shady business dealings in the past, his lack of character, his ties with the mob, and his very tight ties with the big union bosses.

    I even detailed the legal problems of various crime bosses - the first 5 weeks of 2008. There are many more since then. Typical mob crimes - embezzling, bank fraud, false statement and representation, theft, forgery, mail fraud, falsifying union records, racketeering, filing false union reports, grand larceny, etc.

    I made the claim that these were the type of people and crimes Senator Obama feels at home with. Now today, in the WSJ article Obama Says Teamsters Need Less Oversight, my stance has (again) been proven true.

    The Teamsters - headed up by James P. Hoffa, son of Jimmy Hoffa has endorsed Senator Obama earlier this year. Turns out boss Hoffa had a private talk with the corrupt Senator about what he is expected to do in exchange for the Teamster union pumping millions into his election bid for president.

    So Obama gets their money and the unions get the promise that Obama will support ending the strict federal oversight - imposed on unions to root out corruption and monitor for mob activities.

    Don't expect Senator Obama to come clean with all the other secret back room promises to other organizations. From protecting unions to promoting a return to the racist past this guy is trouble - with a capital T.

    Let's peek at April's tally from the U.S. Department of Labor ESA - not quite the clean slate the unions or Senator Obama wants people to know about:
    • April 21 - Stephen Priese, former Financial-Secretary of UAW Local 516, pled guilty to embezzling union funds
    • April 16 - Kim M. Van Handel, former President and Acting Treasurer of Steelworkers Local 1980, pled guilty to embezzling union funds
    • April 16 - Sheila Rushing, former office secretary for Bakery, Tobacco & Grain Local 482, indicted on one count of embezzling union assets, destruction of union records and making false entries in required union records
    • April 14 - Fredrick W. Jones, former Vice President of Glass Molders and Plastics Union Local 285, pled guilty to embezzlement of union funds
    • April 14 - Brian Dolney, former President of Machinists Lodge 2333, pled guilty to bank fraud
    • April 11 - Kathleen Drake, former Secretary-Treasurer for Machinists Lodge 2339-C, pled guilty to one count of falsification of union records
    • April 9 - Gary Smink, former President of Steelworkers Local 1-962, indicted on one count of theft
    • April 9 - Linda Leonard, former office secretary of Laborers Local 216, pled guilty to one count of making false entries in union records
    • April 7 - Amy Cross, former Secretary-Treasurer of Utility Workers Local 308, charged with one count of embezzling
    • April 7 - Heather Lott, former bookkeeper of Teamsters Local 19, pled guilty to one count of embezzling union funds
    • April 7 - Michael Rutowski, former Treasurer of AFGE Local 2913, pled guilty to one count of making a false and fraudulent representation to a federal agency, embezzlement
    • April 4 - Karimah Bailey, former Treasurer of AFGE Local 3197, pled guilty to embezzling union funds
    • April 4 - Zona Albritton, former Manager of General Services for AFSCME, pled guilty to one count of embezzling union funds
    • April 4 - Darrell Pendergrass, former President of International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 699, pled guilty to embezzling and willfully evading the payment of taxes
    • April 3, Louella M. Zieman, former office-secretary of Ironworkers Local 709, indicted on embezzling union funds
    • April 1 - Michelle A. Meek, former Treasurer for AFGE Local 3435, pled guilty to theft

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