Don't like my picture above? Think it's racist? Too bad. I got the idea from you liberals. What goes around comes around. When liberals did the top part they said it showed their patriotism by expressing dissent.
Sounds good to me - I'll do the same. If a white president can be portrayed as a chimp then let's have equality and portray a black president as a chimp as well. Besides, both have much in common:
- Both are liberals - one more liberal than the other
- Both like a bigger government
- Both are great spenders of other people's money
- Both are INOs - One a RINO the other a DINO
- Both hijacked their political party names
- Both believe in conquest - one of outer conquest the other of internal conquest
- Both have or will have lawyers and crooks as advisers
- Both believe government is the answer
- Both have chimp brains
- Both like to talk a good talk
- Both have Moses complexes and want to free the illegal aliens which have infested America
Not necessarily racist - just immature.
So you're saying when liberals created Bush as a chimp they were immature?
I wouldn't have used the words "liberals created Bush as a chimp" but yes, I think the comparison of Bush to a chimp is immature too.
What has happened to you in life that has made you so mad, sour and bitter? You seem to have a lot of hate built up in you and that's not good for you or anyone if you live and work with them. If you're a loner, find some friends maybe life will improve. If you believe in prayer. Please pray because you need it. I will pray for you also.
I just love liberals, I really do. Without liberals life would be dull, LOL
Love that pic. As Anne Coulter said
"we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president."
P.S. Good to see ya, JustaDog! I haven't blogged for quite a while, and glad to see you are still here.
Thanks Cat, glad to see you're back.
justadog: "So you're saying when liberals created Bush as a chimp they were immature?"
You've seen my answer. What do *you* think, justadog? Were they being immature?
You would have to ask the liberals why they showed no respect to the President of the USA.
As simoncat has commented ref. Anne Coulter:
we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president.
This is your blog and I was asking for your opinion. Do you think those who compared Bush to a chimp were being immature?
I believe everyone that doesn't believe like me is immature.
Nice try with the trick question.
It was not meant to be a trick question. However, to avoid the appearance of trickiness I'll rephrase the question: Do you think that comparing a President to a chimp, or comparing a President elect to a chimp (both of which you have done) is an immature thing to do?
"Immature" is subjective. The readers (nor I) know if you are addressing emotional immaturity, reasoning immaturity, or what.
Sometimes people will use this term as a label in an attempt to undermine some opinion other than their own.
In other words, your question is too broad for a specific yes/no answer.
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