Thursday, July 19, 2007

    To That STUPID Bitch On Lars Larson

    I happened to turn on Lars Larson for about 20 minutes yesterday - just when some stupid, moronic, idiot bitch calls in to offer her opinion how the world could be a better place.

    "I respect religions like Islam because the don't let people drink. If people didn't drink they would be happier".

    I had to have cold beer (9.5%) and chill. To that stupid bitch I say PLEASE - go move your primitive mind to a country under Sharia law. Just be sure you dress accordingly.

    Just look around and you'll see the majority of problems in the world are because a few people in government use the power of growing government to enforce (inflict) their view of what they feel is moral or not on the majority of the population.

    Someone thinks it's immoral for people to gamble online, so make a law against it.

    Someone thinks it's immoral to grow your own and smoke your own marijuana, so make a law against it.

    Someone thinks it's immoral for lazy inept people to make less than people that work and try harder, so make a law to take from those that try and give it to those that don't.

    Someone thinks it's immoral to execute child molesters and killers, so make sure they get out of jail and inject them back into the communities of law-abiding citizens.

    Someone thinks it's immoral to speak freely about some topic, so make a law against it and call it "hate crime".

    I'm sick of governments inflicting the people with their ideas of what they feel is right or wrong, moral or immoral, fair or unfair. Stop the insanity and give us back our freedoms!

    Michael Vick: You deserve to die you low life scum ape.

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